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Buon lavoro a tutti!

mercoledì 18 aprile 2012


Are u tired of videos games and Facebook?
Wanna find out what it feels like to turn a page in a REAL book???
So follow some of your friends....into the magic world of READING!!!! Let's start with your mates from 3E.
Andrea is very fond of history .  But if you prefer love and science fiction, Alice has got something very interesting to tell you . Valentina needs a book that takes you away (romantic...). On the contrary, Asia is going to take you into the story of Jack the Ripper (but please, if u have a weak stomach, don't read this book!!!).
Kyara has chosen a very difficult book, real and cruel, but sometimes things have to be said as they are.
Last but not least, some of my favourites: fantasy and dragons, with Elisa and Alessandro.
ENJOY : )))))

1 commento:

cavallo al galoppo

cavallo al galoppo
disegno di Elisa Pistoni, 1E

Le foto di Elena e Francy

classe 1^ E

Napoleone a Lonato

Napoleone a Lonato